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MINT Center


PH 105
PH 106
PH 111
PH 405/505
PH 597 


Dr. Rainer Schad
[University of Hannover - Germany]
Professor of Physics
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Center for Materials for Information Technology
Box 870209
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 - USA
tel: +1 205 348.2404
tel: +1 205 348.2346

you can typically find me in
room 1048 in Bevill Bldg.



The Magnetic Transport Group

Undergraduate Students

Graduate Students


former students:

former students:


 Johan Both



Kris Metcalfe



Robert Hamner

Filip Beliën, Ph.D.
Consultant / Belgium

Paul Evans
Queens College Belfast / UK

Rachel Karatheodoris

Drew Allen, Ph.D.
Voss Scientific, Albuquerque, NM

Yi-Kuang Liu

Patrick Delay

Kether Mayen, M.Sc
High School teacher in GA


Eric Watkins

Liliana Navarrete

Faculty at UAB


Nick Cunningham

Christian Scheck, Ph.D.

went to Columbia University


Andy Bowers

Jian Dou

Miami University


Sam Lair

Sreenivasulu Vutukuri

Intel, OR


Daniel Bishop

 Su-Chi Chang


Matthew Ware



Patrick McGowan



Ryne Saxe



Eric Coulter




Previous Stations

Universität Hannover

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen


Institut für Festkörperphysik


Laboratorium voor Vaste-Stoffysica en Magnetisme


Vaste Stof Fysica II


other useful links


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